Cultural & Museums

Countrylife museum Binsfeld
The house "a Schiewesch" in Binsfeld is already more than 300 years old
Robbesscheier- the living museum
In the Living Museum Robbesscheier children and adults alike discover old utensils and appliances, objects that illustrate the daily portion of
Exhibition of model buildings of Luxembourg castles Clervaux
The museum has an exceptional collection of models of old Luxembourgish castles and palaces.
The Family of Man
The Family of Man, one of the biggest photo exhibitions of all time, was brought together by Edward Steichen (American photographer and curator, of Luxembourg origin) and it was first shown in 1955 in the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA).
Toy Museum Clervaux
This private collection is a paradise for children big and small. You will find exhibitions on trains, cars, toy soldiers, dolls and other toys of yesteryear. Visit only on request.
Museum of the Battle of the Ardennes Clervaux
Exhibited are uniforms and weapons that were used during this battle. On the 9th September 1944 the American troops liberated Pétange, on September 10th the capital Luxembourg and finally the entire country
Rackésmillen - Oldest water mill in Luxembourg
The construction of Rackésmillen Enscherange mill in the year 1334
Tel: 00352 92 17 45 1
Cornelyshaff – the art of brewing
For centuries now, the village center of Heinerscheid is marked out by the Cornelyshaff.
General Patton Memorial Museum Ettelbrück
Military equipment of the U.S. and German forces
Museum of the Battle of the Ardennes 1944-1945 Wiltz
The museum is dedicated principally to terrifying experience of the Battle of the Bulge, fought between 16th December 1944 and 21st January 1945, the date when Wiltz was finally liberated.
National Museum with microbrewery and tannery Wiltz
The Museum of Tanning demonstrates the former tanneries of Wiltz.
Victor Hugo's House Literature Museum
Set up in the restored mansion where the famous French poet and novelist lived, this museum exhibits the painting, texts and personal possessions of the author, who spent several months there in 1871 during his exile.
History Museum of the city Vianden
The Vianden City History Museum captures the exact image of 18th and 19th century interiors, tells the history of the thousand-year old town and houses the bakery museum and the museum about the national poet Dicks.
History museum of the brewery Diekirch
Private collection retracing how the advertisements of the Diekirch brewery have developed over more than a century. Exhibition of 1000 items (match boxes, neon signs, glasses, lithographs, marble, etc.).
National Museum of Military History
The National Military History Museum in Diekirch tells the story of the Battle of Bulge (1944-45).
Museum of Post Office and Museum of Writing Instruments
Postrelais Museum
The Museum of Writing Utensils
Museum of the watermill